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4D PDF Printer & Outlook Plugin Developer Tool

4D PDF Printer & Outlook Plugin Version 6.1.2a - september 27. 2023

4D PDF Printer Plugin Developer Tool to create and manipulate PDF files directly from your 4D database. Use bookmarks, password protection, combine PDF files and much more…

Unlike many other plugin developers, developing 4D plugins is not our primary business model. We have been developing these 4D plugins since 2004 for use in our own industry solution.
This ensures that the plugins are continuously developed, tested and maintained.
The 4D integrated connection to PDFCreator or Windows Print To PDF, disqualifies itself by many incompatibilities or much too large PDF files.
Only our plugin supports all current 4D versions and offers many more possibilities to individually control the PDF results and provide them with convenient features.

System requirements for the 4D PDF & Outlook Plugin

What will you get with this 4D PDF & Outlook Plugin

Short feature list 4D PDF & Outlook Plugin (Light and Pro version):

Short feature list 4D PDF & Outlook Plugin (Plus version):

Version 6.1.2a: 4D PDF & Outlook Plugin whats new:

Limitations to the demo version:

What our customers say:

Sample Code PDF Creation:

If (Test path name($PDFpath)=Is a document )
End if 
  //*** start pdf creation and switches the printer driver to virtual nodeXchange
$err:=TobitProXL_PDFStart ($PDFpath;$vs80_PrinterName;$vl_DriverVersion;1;1)  //full path is needed
If ($err=0)
    //*** set pdf options (author, info, password, copyright, etc)
  PDF_SetOptions   //optional  
    //*** use watermark or letter forms ?
    //****** set BookMark if you like it
  PDF_SetBookMark ("")  //sets an optional bookmark for the first page of the next print job
    //*** print something (4D Write, Write Pro, Print Form/Record/Selection, CS, SRP, PLP, ...)
    //*** attach extern docs ?
  PDF_PrintExternDocs   //uses the win32API Plugin sys_ShellExecute
    //*** close job, finish the pdf and reset the standard printer driver
End if 

Sample Code PDF Creation and mailing:

  //*** start pdf creation and switches the printer driver
$err:=TobitProXL_PDFStart ($PDFpath;$vs80_PrinterName;$vl_DriverVersion;1;1)  //only document name is needed (no path)
If ($err=0)
    //*** set pdf options (author, info, password, copyright, etc)
  PDF_SetOptions   //optional  
    //*** use watermark or letter forms ?
    //****** set BookMark if you like it
  PDF_SetBookMark ("")  //sets an optional bookmark for the first page of the next print job
    //*** print something (4D Write, Write Pro, Print Form/Record/Selection, CS, SRP, PLP, ...)
    //*** attach extern docs ?
  PDF_PrintExternDocs   //uses the win32API Plugin sys_ShellExecute
    //*** initialize to and subject for mail
  If (bUseHtmlBody=1)
    $mail_body:=PDF_FormatBody ([Letter]mail_body;[Letter]mail_htmlframe)
  End if 
  TobitProXL_EMail ($mail_to;$mail_cc;$mail_bcc;$mail_subject)  
    //*** initialize body text for mail
  TobitProXL_MsgBody ($mail_body)
    //*** close job, finish the pdf call Mapi/smtp and reset the standard printer driver
  $smtp_server:=[Letter]smtp_server  //smtp server from your mail provider
  $smtp_account:=[Letter]smtp_account  //account from your mail provider for the from email address
  $smtp_password:=[Letter]smtp_password  //pw for the smtp account 
  $smtp_from:=[Letter]smtp_from  //sender reply email address
  $err:=TobitProXL_SendSmtp ($smtp_server;$smtp_account; $smtp_password;$smtp_from; 0;bUseHtmlBody; 0;$ReturnTxt;"")
End if 


Simple mail example:

					  `*** initialize to and subject for mail
    $smtp_server:=[Letter]smtp_server  //smtp server from your mail provider
    $smtp_account:=[Letter]smtp_account  //account from your mail provider for the from email address
    $smtp_password:=[Letter]smtp_password  //pw for the smtp account 
    $smtp_from:=[Letter]smtp_from  //sender reply email address
    If (bUseHtmlBody=1)
      $mail_body:=PDF_FormatBody ([Letter]mail_body;[Letter]mail_htmlframe)
    End if 
    $err:=TobitProXL_SimpleMail ($mail_to;$mail_cc; $mail_bcc;$smtp_from;$mail_subject;$smtp_server; $smtp_account;
      $smtp_password;1; bUseHtmlBody;$mail_body;arrT_MailAttachments; 0;$ReturnTxt)
    PDF_Error ($err;"Simple Mail Send")  //show errors

Add contact to outlook:

					   `*** initialize the params for MS Outlook
$err:=OL_PutItemProperty ("FirstName";[Address]firstname;0)
$err:=OL_PutItemProperty ("LastName";[Address]lastname;0)
$err:=OL_PutItemProperty ("CompanyName";[Address]company;0)
$err:=OL_PutItemProperty ("Title";[Address]salutation;0)
If ([Address]company#"")
End if 
Case of 
   : ([Address]salutation="Firma") & ([Address]company#"")
   : ([Address]firstname#"") & ([Address]lastname#"")
      $txt2:=[Address]lastname+", "+[Address]firstname
   : ([Address]lastname#"")
End case 
If ($txt#"") & ($txt2#"")
   $txt:=$txt+" - "+$txt2
   If ($txt2#"")
   End if 
End if 
$err:=OL_PutItemProperty ("FileAs";$txt;0)
$err:=OL_PutItemProperty ("Categories";vt_Cat;0)
$err:=OL_PutItemProperty ("HomeTelephoneNumber";OL_FormatPhone ([Address]phonepriv);0)
$err:=OL_PutItemProperty ("BusinessTelephoneNumber";OL_FormatPhone ([Address]phonebusiness);0)
$err:=OL_PutItemProperty ("BusinessFaxNumber";OL_FormatPhone ([Address]fax);0)
$err:=OL_PutItemProperty ("MobileTelephoneNumber";OL_FormatPhone ([Address]mobile);0)
$err:=OL_PutItemProperty ("GovernmentIDNumber";[Address]UUID;0)
If ([Address]housenr#"")
   $err:=OL_PutItemProperty ("BusinessAddressStreet";[Address]street+" "+[Address]housenr;0)
   $err:=OL_PutItemProperty ("BusinessAddressStreet";[Address]street;0)
End if 
$err:=OL_PutItemProperty ("BusinessAddressPostalCode";[Address]zip;0)
$err:=OL_PutItemProperty ("BusinessAddressCity";[Address]city;0)
If ([Address]country#"")
   $err:=OL_PutItemProperty ("BusinessAddressCountry";[Address]country;0)
End if 
If ([Address]birthdate>!1900-01-01!)
   $err:=OL_PutItemProperty ("Birthday";OL_CreateTimeString ([Address]birthdate);0)
End if 
$err:=OL_PutItemProperty ("Email1Address";[Address]email;0)
$err:=OL_PutItemProperty ("WebPage";[Address]website;0)
$err:=OL_PutItemProperty ("Body";[Address]remarks;0)
$err:=OL_PutContact (vt_OL_defaulContact;vT_OutLookAccount; $vt_OutLookID)

How to install:

Download the final version pdf_printer6.zip and expand the archive to your local disk.

Inside this folder you´ll find:

Price Information:

The license is developer based. Each developer needs an own license.
If your company has 3 4D developers, you need 3 licenses.

If you buy 2 or more licenses from us, then you’ll get a discount of 10% for each new plugin license.

New plugin version

4D Plugin light 6.x

only the 4D plugin (requires additional pdf printer licenses for each pc).
PDF X-Change (Standard or Pro) v9

Ideal for inhouse developers

The license is developer based. Each developer needs an own license.

€ 538 

developer name
company name

4D Plugin pro 6.x + PDF Printer
4D plugin with Royalty Free pdf printer driver license. (there are no extra license costs for each site or client) The PDF X-Change printer driver works only called from the 4D Plugin, otherwise it works in demo mode. Distribution to your clients only inside compiled enduser applications.

Ideal for commercial developers which needs a cheap pdf solution for unlimited client sites. This version comes with Royalty free pdf printer driver for client distribution.
Buy once for unlimited distribution.

The license is developer based. Each developer needs an own license.

€ 948 

developer name
company name

4D Plugin plus 6.x
all in Plugin package, includes the 4D
Plugin pro
version and the features from the plus version.

Sync appointments, contacts and tasks with MS Outlook. With the included Outlook archive functions, developers are able to build a complete Outlook client inside 4D. Plus contains also the control over the ultimate Tobit David Fax- and Message-Server

The license is developer based. Each developer needs an own license.

€ 1849 

developer name
company name
International wire transfer is also possible, please ask for our IBAN information. 

If you buy 2 or more licenses, then you'll get a discount of 10% for each license.
European Buyers, adds the VAT (no VAT for international buyers or with a EU VAT ID) Please order the plugin directly from us and ask for our IBAN and BIC for wire transfer.

Upgrade plugin version to Version 6:

Upgrade 6.x pro to 6.x plus
License Upgrade from 4D Plugin pro version 6.x to 4D Plugin plus Version 6.x.

€ 999 

developer name
company name
International wire transfer is also possible, please ask for our IBAN information European Buyers, adds the VAT (no VAT for international buyers or with a EU VAT ID) Please order the plugin directly from us and ask for our IBAN and BIC for wire transfer.

MS Outlook E-Mail client parser inside 4D

4D PDF Plugin Outlook Mail Client
4D PDF Plugin with MS Outlook Mail Client